If you read my last post, you knew this was coming. Ladies, if you have a man in your life, you gotta have a wife too. Even better, a Jewish wife! Here’s a little secret that you may not know about me. My wife and I have had a relationship for about 40 years. Way, way back in our early teens, she started taking care of me. I remember staying up very late one night and professing that I was hungry and demanded a meal. Rachel got right to it and made me a damn meal – steak, french fries, and I think, corn niblets. Who does that? Rachel does.
Rachel is my loving wife. She’s beautiful, smart, a planner and a doer, listens to me, offers advice and she makes me laugh. Most importantly, she knows how I like my balls. Yes, meatballs. Rachel showers me with gifts. She knows I’m not a shopper and she knows she’s a super shopper. I like her confidence, it inspires me.
My latest gift hangs in my kitchen and it’s all true too. You gotta have a wife. Mine takes care of me through the good and the bad times. Eat more bacon!