May 13, 2019

Missing Mom on Mother’s Day

Posted on May 13, 2019 by Laureen2014

EDFC33B5-2A52-4DA3-9BBE-B6AA75F0E660It’s so nice to have a special day to celebrate our moms.  There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t think of my mom.  There are many reminders of the times we shared together.  My brother and I honored mom today at dim sum – our family gathering tradition for special occasions.  There were many other families waiting to get a table and share delicious “pork inside” morsels with their loved ones.  As we waited outside, we heard a very familiar voice talking in a distinctive accent.  It sounded just like mom.  My brother and I both looked at each other.  There was a woman talking to her family in a Trinidadian accent.  I asked her if she was from Trinidad, and she said “yes.”  Trinis are everywhere; Mom is everywhere.

After lunch, we went to visit Auntie Lena to share our love with her.  She’s 92 years old, looks marvelous and eats for two.  I don’t know where she puts it.  While I’m there, I like to talk to the ladies in the independent living section.  I decided to sit down with two nice ladies and strike up a conversation.  I like to listen to their stories and have shareable moments.  These two ladies were meant for me.  One was named Noreen and the other was named Joan.  Of course, Noreen similar to Laureen, and Joan was my mom’s name.  Is this a coincidence?  I like to think it was a meaningful connection.  They were amazed at the coincidence and the weirdness of it.  Not me!

Last hooray for the day was a sunset beach outing  with Samantha and Ely.  A lovely cool breeze and warm swim in the ocean.   We dropped my new avocado dancing towel on the beach and made our way into the ocean.  It was refreshing!  It was a little chilly in our wet bathing suits and the thought of wrapping in our towel was comforting.  Come to find out that our towel was gone!  You gotta be kidding me.  Someone stole our avocado towel and ran off nowhere to be found.  Such a disappointment to a fabulous day.  Next time I see my towel on the beach, there will be an exchange of words with the towel thief!
