First Fire on Black Friday

Posted on November 24, 2018 by Laureen2014

I love sitting in front of a fire in my sister’s cozy house in the mountains.  This fire was my first for the year.  It was a special fire too.  My niece, Willow, sometimes called Willis, lit this wonderful fire for me.  She struck the long old timey wood match and carefully lit the edge of the starter log.  Moments later, there was this roaring, hot fire.  It gives me such a feeling of warmth and comfort.  I love fires.

This Black Friday was a first for me too.  I spent the day with my two darling nieces, Leah and Willow.  We started our day with a written schedule perfectly executed by Leah, delicious cinnamon rolls baked by Willow, and a brisk walk into town.  Not too long after our walk up the hill, Willow turned around and yelled “Auggie.”  Their sweet dog, August, somehow opened the front door and bolted out to join us.  Shopping with a dog was a first for me too.  Pretty cool!  Shopping, hot cocoa, laughing, girl talk, more shopping, fashion tips, stories, chill time.  

Good old-fashioned Auntie and niece time.  I hope to start a new tradition.  

Make new family traditions!



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